
“Yu Chung” is my Chinese first name.


M. Siu, H. Gish, A. Chan, W. Belfield, S. Lowe, Unsupervised training of an HMM-based self-organizing unit recognizer with applications to topic classification and keyword discovery in Computer Speech & Language 28(1): 210-223 (2014)

D. Huggins-Daines, M. Kumar, A. Chan , A. W. Black, R. Mosur, A. I. Rudnicky , “PocketSphinx: A Free, Real-time Continuous Speech Recognition System for Hand-held Devices”, ICASSP2006, France ( ps )

A. Chan , J. Sherwan, R. Mosur and A. I. Rudnicky, “Four-Level Categorization Scheme of Fast GMM Computation Techniques in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems”, International Conference of Speech and Language Processing 2004, Korean. ( ps ).

A. Chan , and M. Siu, “Efficient Computation of the Frame-based Extend Union Model and its Application against Partial Temporal Corruptions”, in Computer Speech and Language V19 p.301-319. ( ps )

M. Siu and A. Chan , “A Robust Viterbi Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise with Application for Speech Recognition”, accepted by IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Proceeding. ( (Final Manuscript Version) ps )

Full List:

M. Siu, H. Gish, A. Chan, W. Belfield, S. Lowe, Unsupervised training of an HMM-based self-organizing unit recognizer with applications to topic classification and keyword discovery in Computer Speech & Language 28(1): 210-223 (2014)

M. Siu, O. Lang, H. Gish, S. Lowe, A. Chan, O. Kimball: MLLR transforms of self-organized units as features in speaker recognition. ICASSP 2012: 4385-4388

T. J. Hazen, M. Siu, H. Gish, S. Lowe, A. Chan,  Topic modeling for spoken documents using only phonetic information. ASRU 2011: 395-400

M. Siu, H. Gish, S. Lowe, A. Chan,  Unsupervised Audio Patterns Discovery Using HMM-Based Self-Organized Units. INTERSPEECH 2011: 2333-2336

M. Siu, H. Gish, A. Chan, W. Belfield,  “Improved topic classification and keyword discovery using an HMM-based speech recognizer trained without supervision”, INTERSPEECH 2010: 2838-2841

H. Gish, M. Siu, A. Chan, W. Belfield, “Unsupervised training of an HMM-based speech recognizer for topic classification”, INTERSPEECH 2009: 1935-1938

B. Langner, R. Kumar, A. Chan , L. Gu, A. W. Black, “Generating Time-Constrained Audio Presentations of Structured Information”, INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh, USA

D. Huggins-Daines, M. Kumar, A. Chan , A. W. Black, R. Mosur, A. I. Rudnicky , “PocketSphinx: A Free, Real-time Continuous Speech Recognition System for Hand-held Devices”, ICASSP2006, France ( ps )

A. Chan , R. Mosur and A. I. Rudnicky, “On Improvements of CI-based GMM Selection”, in Interspeech 2005, Portugal. ( pdf ).

R. Zhang, Z. Al Bawab, A. Chan , A. Chotiomongkol, D. Huggins-Daines, A. I. Rudnicky, “Investigations on Ensemble Based Semi-Supervised Acoustic Model Training”, in INTERSPEECH 2005, Portugal. ( pdf )

A. Chan , and M. Siu, “Efficient Computation of the Frame-based Extend Union Model and its Application against Partial Temporal Corruptions”, in Computer Speech and Language V19 p.301-319. ( ps )

A. Chan , J. Sherwan, R. Mosur and A. I. Rudnicky, “Four-Level Categorization Scheme of Fast GMM Computation Techniques in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems”, International Conference of Speech and Language Processing 2004, Korean. ( ps ).

S. Banerjee, J. Cohen, T. Quisel, A. Chan , Y. Patodia, Z. Al Bawab, R. Zhang, A. Black, R. Stern, R. Rosenfeld, A. I. Rudnicky, “Creating Multi-Modal, User-Centric Records of Meetings with the Carnegie Mellon Meeting Recorder Architecture”, NIST Meeting Recognition Workshop of ICASSP 2004.

M. Siu and A. Chan , “A Robust Viterbi Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise with Application for Speech Recognition”, accepted by IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Proceeding. ( (Final Manuscript Version) ps )

Brian Mak, M Siu, Mimi Ng, Y-C Tam, Y. C. Chan , K-W Chan, K-Y Leung, S. Ho, J. Wong and J. Lo, “PLASER: Pronunciation Learning via Automatic Speech Recognition”, Proc. HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building Educational Applications using Natural Language Processing, Edmonton, Canada, May 31, 2003, pages 23-29. ( pdf )

M. Siu, Y. C. Chan , “Robust Speech Recognition Against Short-Time noise”, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Volume 2, pages 1049-1052, Sep 2002. ( ps )

M. Siu, Y. C. Chan , “A Modified Viterbi Algorithm that Skips K-frames”, European Conference on Speech Comm. and Tech. 2001 ( ps )

Y. C. Chan , M. Siu and K.W Mak, “Pruning of the State-Tying Tree using the Bayesian Information Criterion with Multiple Mixtures”, Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, volume 4, pages 294-297, Oct 2000 ( ps )

My Volunteer Work at MGH:

C. J. Chu., A. Chan, D. Song, K. J. Staley, S. M. Stufflebeam, M. A. Kramer, “Semi-automated method for rapid detection of ripple events on interictal voltage discharges in the scalp electroencephalogram” Journal of Neuroscience MethodsVolume 277, 1 February 2017, Pages 46–55

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