Logios pocketsphinx Sphinx sphinx_fsttools

Start to look at the repository tree

Programming as a profession is a a strange one.   If you are a doctor, you can usually carry your knowledge and skills from one place to another provided that you have exactly the same tool.    If you are a programmer, you speed and skill are partially determined by the tools you build in house for a particular place.   So for example, I am not supposed to use any tool I built when I worked in the small video-advertising start-up.   Even if I can do something in 1 second at that period of time, if I change my job, I will need to restart and rebuild the tool again.   We are probably talking about days to rebuild the tool and weeks to refine it again.

There is one exception: if you worked in open source, much of your code would be stored in a public place.   Even when you have left your job for long time, it is legit for you to use it again.  You don’t have to solve the same problem again and again.   This is the beauty of open source and I am greatly benefited by it personally. 
As I start to regain my muscles in Sphinx, I start to notice that there are much changes in last 6 years.  Just look at the top level of Subversion:
File  Rev. Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory
 CLP/  10079  23 months  dhdfu  Finally add an -F argument to use the full path in the control file as the label…
PocketSphinxAndroidDemo/  11117  9 months  nshmyrev  Wrapper for nbest
 SimpleLM/  22  12 years  rickyhoughton  Initial revision
 Speech-Recognizer-SPX/  8933  3 years  nshmyrev  Update module to recent pocketsphinx API
 SphinxTrain/  11350  9 days  nshmyrev  Extract warped features during 000 stage if VTLN is enabled. See for detailsht
 archive_s3/  7289  4 years  egouvea  Fixed error message in decoder script reporting failure in bw, and made result d…
 cmuclmtk/  11035  10 months  nshmyrev  Fixes bug in wngram2idngram and adds a test for it
 cmudict/  11348  3 weeks  air  cleaned up documentation and code (a bit) recompiled the dict
 gst-sphinx/  7848  4 years  dhdfu  Support changing language models at runtime (maybe)
 htk2s3conv/  11336  6 weeks  nshmyrev  Adds warning about different number of mixtures
 jsgfparser/  7230  4 years  dhdfu  Fix the main program to output the only public rule if no rule is specified, and…
 logios/  11339  4 weeks  tkharris  remove duplicated code
 misc_scripts/  10147  22 months  dhdfu  handle zero references
 multisphinx/  10945  12 months  dhdfu  clean up better and introduce vocabulary maps
 pocketsphinx/  11351  8 days  nshmyrev  Updated lat2dot script. I need to move it to the other location though
 pocketsphinx-extra/  9972  2 years  dhdfu  add sc models with mixture_weights and mdef.txt files
 scons/  5868  5 years  egouvea  updated the scons support to reflect that plugin.jar is now part of the package
 share/  5532  6 years  egouvea  Setting dsp and dsw files to have have windows EOL regardless where it’s downloa…
 sphinx2/  8767  3 years  egouvea  Updated the sphinx-2 MS files to MS .NET, consistent with the other packages, an…
 sphinx3/  11329  2 months  nshmyrev  Patch to solve memory issues in python module. See for detailshttps://bugzilla
 sphinx4/  11344  3 weeks  nshmyrev  Properly sets logger for AudioFileDataSource. Thanks to Bandele Ola.
 sphinx_fsttools/  10791  14 months  nshmyrev  Some bit in AM to FST conversion
 sphinxbase/  11346  3 weeks  nshmyrev  Properly select buffer size when using audioresample. Thanks to balkce See fo…
 tools/  9009  3 years  nshmyrev  Updated to the latest release of sphinx4
 web/  10249  21 months  nshmyrev  There is no sphinx3 development anymore
How exciting is that?  You got only 6 to 7 top level directories 7 years ago!
From now on, I will start to put more notes on different tools in the repository. 
The Grand Janitor

One reply on “Start to look at the repository tree”

It's pretty much pollutted with the old things which nobody knows how to run.

I've cleaned up it recently, moved some really old things to branches and grouped others. It's a better now, but more cleanup to come later.

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