

For a period of time, getting up is a daunting thing to me.   You see…… computers used to be a tool to let me realize myself.  I like to work, play with one.  It was not a job.

Since when it is changed for me?  It was the time when I think of a computer to be solely a tool of making money.   That’s how many people in the field think.  Programming is no longer a pursuit of skill.   It is a way to get higher salary, win programming competition and have bragging right on lunch table. Knowledge in speech recognition?  It is not to solve one of the biggest problem in human history.  It is for winning contracts from defense,  beating other sites and again bragging to your esteemed colleagues.   These sicken me.
In my view, it is fine to think of money issue.  In fact, everyone should take care of their own personal finance and have basic understanding of economics…… BUT……  It doesn’t mean everything has to be driven solely money.   
Rather, everyone should have passion, which allows them to wake up everyday, not being daunted by the workload of the day, but think “Woa,  there are 10 cool things I want to do.  What should I work on today?” and feel excited about life. 

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