Hi all,
It has been a while I worked on the Hieroglyphs (the fancy name I made for sphinx documentation). This is perhaps the only things I haven’t wrapped up in CMU. Therefore I decided to release a draft. You can find it
It still looks pretty messy but it starts to look like a book now.
Several chapters and sections were trimmed in this draft. You will still see a lot of ?. Those are signals of not enough proof-reading. Forgive me, when I have more time, I will try to fix some of them in near future.
Grand Janitor
3 replies on “Third Draft of Hieroglyphs”
This document is brilliant, and I am sorry I hadn’t stumbled upon it sooner than now! I have been searching in and out for the methods to do certain things with the training engine, with the recognizer, with just getting something other than the demos working, and I have finally found good, recent documentation. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
this would have saved me so much time to have found a year ago, oh well, better late then never :). it’d be great to have more links to this floating around the cmu doc sites to help people just starting with sphinx in general. google led me here by chance today π
I am glad that you guys like it. Send me comments if you have any.
-grand janitor.