As AIDL grew, once in a while people would talk about blockchain would affect AI or deep learning. Currently it is still a long shot, but blockchain by itself is a very interesting technology and it deserves our notice.
Here are some resources you may use to learn about blockchain. Unlike “Top 5 List” for AIDL, I don’t really understand the technology too well. But also unlike “List of Neuroscience MOOC“, Greg Dubela did give me a lot of recommendations on what you should learned up. Thus this post is also used as a resource post in “Blockchain and Crypto“.
Introductory Videos:
- (2 minute) This video: explaining the purpose of blockchain in 2 minutes, and the promise it makes.
- This 6-part series from Dash School is a great introductory series on what Blockchain is, how it is governed, and several fundamental concepts. Greg highly recommend the series.
Blockchain is still a new development, so it’s harder to find MOOC which can teach you the whole thing in entirety. We found there are couple of exceptions:
- Coursera’s Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency from Princeton. (See my quick impression.)
- Stanford CS251’s Bitcoin class. While this is not a MOOC, you can access all the notes and homework. They are high-quality.
- Coursera’s Cryptography I and Cryptography II, which provides you great basics of Cryptography.
- (HyperLedger-based) Edx Blockchain course
- IBM Blockchain Foundation For Developers – As short course, mostly a class on how to identify and convert a business network to a blockchain-based solution.
- University of Nicosia’s has and Introductory MOOC on bitcoin., which requires registration. You can also check the their Youtube feed for their live discussion.
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction by Princeton’s authors.
- Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Technical Specifications:
- Closest for Bitcoin is the Developer Reference
- Ethereum Github Wiki
- Also check out Berkeley’s “Dive Deep into Ethereum“
Visualizing Blockchain
- Sean Han’s source code.
- On cryptos, the best is perhaps . But also try out our Blockchain and Cryptos?
Different Cryptos: (under construction)
Learning blockchain these days usually means you know different the characteristics of different coins. Here are list of interesting ones.
- Bitcoin
- Litecoin
- Dogecoin
- Bytecoin
- Monero
- The Ethereum Family
- Ethereum
- Ethereum Classic
- Dash
- Ripple
- Zcash
- Stratis
- Monacoin
- Freicoin – Rather inactive as of 2017 Dec…..
- Zencash
- Zcoin
- Auroracoin
To be reviewed:
- Khan Academy:
- A list of very useful Bitcoin classes: