Aaron Swartz acoustic score Dragon goldman sach Kurzweil list Sphinx4 sphinxtrain subword units

January 2013 Write-up

Miraculously, I still have some momentum for this blog and I have kept on the daily posting schedule.

Here is a write up for this month:  Feel free to look at this post on how I plan to write this blog:

Some Vision of the Grand Janitor’s Blog

Sphinx’ Tutorials and Commentaries

SphinxTrain1.07’s bw:

Commentary on SphinxTrain1.07’s bw (Part I)
Commentary on SphinxTrain1.07’s bw (Part II)

Part I describes the high-level layout, Part II and describe half the state network was built.

Acoustic Score and Its Sign
Subword Units and their Occasionally Non-Trivial Meanings

Sphinx 4 from a C background : Material for Learning


Goldman Sachs not Liable
Aaron Swartz……

Other writings:

On Kurzweil : a perspective of an ASR practitioner



Dragon goldman sach

Goldman Sachs not Liable

Here is the Bloomberg’s piece.   Sounds like it’s a real case closed.

Of course, we are all still feeling the consequences.
